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How to survive the Oscars with a 6-month-old baby

Ljupka Arsovska

I was breastfeeding one very early morning in January 2020, when I heard my husband screaming from the living room. I thought he broke his leg or something, but no. It was the moment when my brother-in-law, the producer of the movie Honeyland, got nominated not for one, but two Academy Awards.

So, we are going to the Oscars and I am in so much trouble. I was still breastfeeding, my other kid was 3 (and very loud), my husband was still recovering from a serious accident, and none of my dresses fit. On top of that, I had to leave the hair salon for the whole week and needed new shoes!!! Can this mommy ever get a break? Pro tip: Always bring your nanny with you when you attend the Oscars! Always.

[Photo: My daughter's attire for the red carpet includes noise-canceling headphones]

The documentary movie Honeyland portrays the life of Hatidže Muratova, a loner beekeeper of wild bees who lives in a remote mountain village in Macedonia and follows her lifestyle before and after neighbors move in nearby. The movie's success began with becoming the most-awarded film at the Sundance Film Festival and it went like a whirlwind around the world.

[Photo: The Honeyland crew on the red carpet. Styling by Ljupka Arsovska]

Since this was our first Oscar we had no idea what to expect. It is actually a week-long affair. Packed with events throughout the day and a bunch of cocktail parties each night. Try that while breastfeeding a baby. At the afterparty in the Soho House, I went to the bathroom to pump, and, after 5 min I heard people knocking on the door. The pressure was too much so I packed up and when I got out - there was a line of people waiting to get to the loo. I noticed at least 4 actors I’ve seen on TV waiting in that line. So embarrassing. Pro tip: Ask security for the private executive bathroom.

[Photo: Antonio, cool as always]

We stayed at a 12-room mansion with enough room to do what we do best. Party. One day Jamie Lee Curtis dropped off a signed book at the house. The parties, of course, were the best part of the whole week. People dressed up and everyone looked well, like movie stars. Pro tip: If you find yourself at the Oscars six months after giving birth - wear black and keep your Louboutins close. With heels like that, no one noticed my 20 lbs postpartum add-on, right? Right??

[Photo: Ljupka & Mila Arsovska at the Oscars, 2020]

The day of the awards, it felt like getting ready for a big wedding. Nothing we haven't seen before. We had a big crew to get ready and everyone was up early. There was makeup to apply, hairdos to fix, dresses to fit, baby to breastfeed, you know - the usual. My sister Mila was there to help me handle all the challenges. Everyone looked fabulous and ready for the red carpet.

Unfortunately, we did not get an Oscar that nite, but it did not stop us from partying all night. All in all, it was one of the most intense and unique events I’ve ever attended. Met a bunch of stars and celebs, saw Leo and Pit, waved at Al, took photos with Antonio, and Zane wanted a selfie with us.

Another pro tip: hire the best crew! My absence from the hair salon went without a hitch and can’t thank you, ladies, for having my back! You know who you are. I love you!

Almodóvar, Bong Joon-ho and Honeyland directors

[all photos copyrighted Ljupka Arsovska]

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